Falling behind, but not falling down

I have gotten behind on my challenges my goals this week. I’ve decided being dressed to shoes by 7:30 EVERY day is unrealistic. I like my morning PJ time!

And I haven’t been reading every day as planned, so I’m several days behind in reading 21days to a more disciplined life. I think I got stuck on goal setting, it’s hard for me to identify my goals. So I’ll try here. Some are:

* get my home office moved downstairs
* start working again (long term goal)
* be more intentional about time with my children
* potty train Cassatt
* talk at our local CHADD meeting

It helps to sit down and write them down. And now that I have them written down I can start planning for them.

Another problem I have is with baby steps. it’s hard for me to recognize progress in small increments-so it’s hard to motivate myself to do small steps.

As for my mega project, I’m almost done decluttering the pantry. Only one shelf to go! Once I finished the Tupperware shelf, which I was dreading most, it was hard to motivate myself to do the next step. I finally got over that hurdle, and should be able to work again now.

I haven’t been lighting a candle every day. It’s hard when the kids keep blowing it out. But honestly, the problem is that I haven’t been intentional about it. Hopefully writing it down here will help.

Finally, I’m planning an exciting Thanksgiving challenge for November. I hope you’ll join me. Stay tuned for details!

About Sarah Unsicker

Candidate for Missouri House of Representatives, 91st District. Mother, wife, friend, education advocate, lawyer.
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